Enhancing Customer Intelligence for Alternative Energy Supplier

November 12, 2017

In this era of constant innovation, companies in the power and energy space are looking for renewable sources of energy to deal with compliance regulations. Also, with the demand for fossil fuels reaching its saturation point, leading companies in the energy space are seeking ways to reduce their overall operational costs. Therefore, to stay ahead of their competitors and identify future market expansion opportunities, leading alternative energy sources providers have started utilizing customer intelligence solutions. With the help of customer intelligence, alternative energy providers can gain holistic insights into the customers wants and improve the overall customer lifetime value. Moreover, businesses can effectively understand the current value of their customers and use predictive models to determine which customers are at the risk of churn.

Today, electricity utilities companies have understood the necessity of including renewable sources of energy for the production of electricity. Therefore, to gain actionable insights into the customer’s preferences and improve their bottom line, renowned alternative energy sources suppliers are approaching companies that can help them identify and quantify opportunities in the market and devise effective go-to-market approach.IR_Brochure

The Business Challenge

A leading alternative energy sources supplier with a considerable number of distribution units spread across the globe was facing predicaments profiling the potential customers and proactively identifying risks and opportunities in the energy space. The alternative energy firm wanted to seek ways to improve customer relationship and identify actions to drive potential business growth. With the help of customer intelligence solutions, the client wanted to proactively determine the attrition levels of the customers and devise effective marketing plans to mitigate these risks.

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Our Approach

To assess the customer’s value and determine the next best action plan, Infiniti’s customer intelligence experts carried out extensive qualitative and quantitative research with the leading stakeholders in the alternative energy sources supplier space. Infiniti’s customer intelligence experts also compiled information across a wide array of proprietary sources including company presentations, industry forums, and newsletters in the alternative energy sources space.

Customer Intelligence Solution Benefits:

  • Uncovered potential opportunities and created long-term enterprise value
  • Understood the customers behavior and boosted customer loyalty
  • Streamlined marketing efforts to minimize costs and maximize resources
  • Analyzed the buying patterns of the people across specific market segments
  • Identified and quantified opportunities and promoted effective strategies to drive business growth

Benefits of Our Integrated Approach

With the help of customer intelligence study offered by Infiniti, the alternative energy sources supplier was able to shape real-time customer interactions and deliver highly personalized offers. Moreover, the engagement assisted the alternative energy firm to tailor products and services based on the customer requirements. Also, the client was able to identify significant business drivers, forecast new drivers, and effectively execute marketing campaigns.

A must-read case study for strategy experts and decision makers looking to develop an understanding of  the alternative energy sector.


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