For any organization, finding the right talent is like searching for a particular book from a heap of books in the library. Though, after all the hassle you pile the number of candidates; finding the candidate with the right attitude is even harder. In this fiercely-competitive environment, the competition for talent is more intense, so organizations need to focus on retaining and engaging the right people. Employee engagement helps businesses to attract and retain the best talents across all age groups. In the case of the manufacturing sector, organizations should invest heavily in employee engagement activities to create an environmental-friendly work atmosphere; thereby, fostering meaningful career paths.
Infiniti’s employee engagement solution assists the client to devise effective strategies to keep the employees motivated and gain key skills that are essential for their daily tasks. Also, the solutions will help make recommendations that help improve recognition strategy, management responsibility, and recognition training to retain valued employees.
The Business Challenge
Just like any organization, a global food manufacturer was facing challenges answering the simple question: what are the effective ways to decrease employee turnover? To attain revenue goals, the client had recruited and retained top experienced employees; who were the backbone of the manufacturing sector. In the recent years, the employee turnover rate was stagnant at 10%, which was lower compared to the overall average in the industry. As a result, the client approached Infiniti to gain a better understanding on how to attract, engage, and engage their workforce.
The Journey
With years of expertise in handling a multitude of employee engagement programs for a wide array of clients, Infiniti’s employee engagement experts provided a better clarity around the value proposition for the employees in different demographic groups. Also, the experts carried out a blended approach comprising of interviews and discussions with leaders and focus groups among employees. A survey was then conducted to administer employee value proposition that is most influential in attracting, retaining, and engage employees.
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Our Solution Helped the Client
- Create a segmentation report and identify the most promising areas that attracted the employees
- Gain actionable insights into their preferences and decisions to stay with the company
- Classify surveys into key group of employees to assess their appreciation of new changes
- Identify the employees and match the employees’ value with organizations offerings
- Improve company culture and curtail the turnover in the company
The Results
Once the new employee engagement solution was implemented, the client was able to leverage the use of key benefits granted to them and in turn, show a decrease in the employee turnover rate by almost 50%. The employees also witnessed a great sense of autonomy and the client witnessed a positive behavior from the employees in terms of their contribution to new and innovative ideas.