Market Intelligence Helps a Leading Non Alcoholic Beverages Company Devise Effective Marketing Strategy

October 4, 2017

Leading organizations in the non alcoholic beverages market are advocating the need for market intelligence solutions to gauge actionable insights into marketing, sales promotion, and competitor activity. Non alcoholic beverages manufacturers are increasingly leveraging the use of market intelligence to effectively build sales and marketing strategies to retain their customers. Also, through a detailed market assessment, renowned companies in the non alcoholic beverages market can better position their marketing campaigns and investments to outshine their competitors.

To identify the target segments and breach across various potential markets, leading organizations in the non alcoholic beverages space are approaching companies like Infiniti Research. With years of expertise in offering a plethora of solutions to combat business challenges, Infiniti’s market intelligence solution helps clients gain a better understanding of the competitors and their product positioning. In addition, implementing an effective market intelligence solution helps businesses develop pricing strategies, devise an effective marketing plan, and identify growth opportunities.

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The Business Challenge

A renowned non alcoholic beverages manufacturer 50+ stores spread across the globe was facing a predicament understanding their market dynamics and devising effective marketing strategies. The client wanted to leverage market intelligence solutions to gain a holistic view of the company’s existing market, customers, problems, and the competition prevailing in the non alcoholic beverages market landscape.

Our Approach

To gain in-depth insights relating to the target customer segments and for devising an effective marketing strategy, the client approached Infiniti’s team of market intelligence experts. Infiniti’s market intelligence experts carried out a blended approach comprising of interviews and discussions with leading stakeholders in the non alcoholic beverages market. In addition, the client further collated information across various proprietary sources such as paid industry databases, company presentations, and newsletters.

non alcoholic beverages
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Market Intelligence Solution Benefits

  • Effectively analyzed the market in terms of the spending habits of the customers, state, and government regulations.
  • Gathered information on various data sets, analyze the information and break down the information into various sub-segments
  • Gained accurate information relevant to company’s markets and make informed business decisions
  • Gathered information on the competitors and better understand the customer needs
  • Helped enter new markets and minimize the risk of investment decision
  • Robustly tailor products and marketing efforts around customer needs

Benefits of Our Integrated Approach

With the help of a robust market intelligence solution, the non alcoholic beverages company was able to identify the potential buyers and identify the distributors, agents, and other intermediaries. Furthermore, the client was able to understand the competitors and provide a quick and concise overview of the non alcoholic beverages market.

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