5 Strategies to Boost Your Risk Assessment

March 15, 2019

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Risk assessment is essential for organizations to understand business challenges and identify market uncertainties. Ideally, a risk assessment should prioritize the most significant risks, assign ownership for managing those risks, and integrate risk management and accountability into everyday business decisions. While the specific risk assessment process and strategies should be tailored to each organization’s unique needs, a successful risk assessment helps leadership identify new risks and confidently navigate the evolving business landscape. Effective risk assessment strategies also enable revenue and profit growth, and create agility to recover from adverse events more quickly.

Steps to Implement a Strategic Risk Assessment

  • Identify and record overall strategies, understanding the organization’s mission, key goals, and stakeholders. Decision-makers must understand the organization’s trajectory before determining top risks.
  • Gather data and input from stakeholders, the board, officers, employees, and other professionals involved in identified areas via interviews, surveys, reports, or presentations.
  • Analyze and prioritize risks based on the company’s risk appetite and tolerance, assessing top-ranking risks along with their probability of occurring and related consequences.
  • Develop a strategic risk action plan and obtain feedback to ensure the actions properly relate to the identified risks.
  • Communicate the strategic risk plan to all stakeholders and execute it effectively.
  • Continuously monitor and review the strategic risk plan, making adjustments as needed based on changing circumstances and new information.

Furthermore, when prioritizing risks, it’s crucial to evaluate their potential impact and the likelihood of them occurring. Consider factors such as financial impact, effect on stakeholder confidence, and the likelihood of regulatory non-compliance. An effective prioritization strategy also considers the cumulative effect of multiple risks, recognizing that the interplay between different threats can amplify their impact. Risk assessment is an ongoing process that should be continuously monitored and reviewed, adapting strategies to evolving market conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory changes.

To gain comprehensive insights into risk assessment and strategies to boost your risk assessment capabilities, download this exclusive whitepaper.

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